Monday, September 20, 2010

Hudson River Run

Finally found the path in Riverside Park that takes you down to the Hudson River... luckily I had my camera :)

Well, before I found the path I found this cool soccer field in the park:

Then once I got down on the path:

It doesn't look very busy... but there were a lot of people out, and a lot of bikes... some of which weren't so nice and would run into you if you didn't move out of their way even though you are in the right lane... Grrr..

I also saw a crazy woman stacking small rocks and balancing them on top of larger ones . It's kind of hard to see in the picture. I also saw a man standing on rocks like these very close to the river.. doing yoga poses.. in very short shorts... and that's it! I was too afraid to take a picture :)

Once you get on the path you're kind of stuck on there for awhile (unless you want to hop over the freeway). So finally, I found the trail that takes you OFF the running path. It was very pretty:

1 comment:

  1. Cool pics, especially the soccer one! I just found out you can click on any pic and blow it up to full sizr to view the detail. Neat.
