Friday, September 3, 2010

Big Red Bus Tour

The school paid for us to take a Big Red Bus Tour that took us around central Manhattan and explained certain landmarks. Here are some pictures from the trip.. they aren't great because I had to take the picture over people's heads!

I just liked the picture of MLK JR BLVD

A view of Jersey and the Hudson River

This one's for you Dad... This is the building where John Lennon lived and was shot in front of. He was actually shot right there where the door men are standing. His wife still lives in this building.

Jennifer Lopez and family live in these towers...somewhere...

This would be the Renaissance Hotel. If you look closely, you can see telescopes in the windows. They are for the guests to check out Central Park, which is right across the street.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Guggenheim Museum

Central Park

The tour guide said that this building was one of the most expensive buildings to live in, in Manhattan. It is on 5th Ave over looking Central Park.

This is Harlem

More Harlem

The Apollo Theater... I can actually see this from my bedroom window at night.


  1. Love the pictures, looks like a great tour. Now I have more things I want to see when we come back to visit!!!

  2. Where you on one of those buses that are open on top, that I said I want to ride on? So cool!!!

  3. Yep, it is one of those buses that are open on top!
