Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ethiopian Food

I thought I would try new things... there's this Ethiopian restaurant right on the corner of my street. So, I got some girls from my building to go.

Note to self, and everyone else, I don't like Ethiopian food. It was basically a big pile of spicy goop on top of flat bread that you're supposed to dip in the goop. The girls I went with liked theirs.. not sure how. When I left my hair smelled like it, and my hands smelled like it... it made me sick until I showered. I guess I'm just not meant to be cultured...

I know you're curious... here's what it looks like:

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hudson River Run

Finally found the path in Riverside Park that takes you down to the Hudson River... luckily I had my camera :)

Well, before I found the path I found this cool soccer field in the park:

Then once I got down on the path:

It doesn't look very busy... but there were a lot of people out, and a lot of bikes... some of which weren't so nice and would run into you if you didn't move out of their way even though you are in the right lane... Grrr..

I also saw a crazy woman stacking small rocks and balancing them on top of larger ones . It's kind of hard to see in the picture. I also saw a man standing on rocks like these very close to the river.. doing yoga poses.. in very short shorts... and that's it! I was too afraid to take a picture :)

Once you get on the path you're kind of stuck on there for awhile (unless you want to hop over the freeway). So finally, I found the trail that takes you OFF the running path. It was very pretty:

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I thought being in New York during September 11th would somehow feel different than being in Ohio. But honestly, today is just the same as any other day. If I hadn't watched the memorial service on tv this morning, I don't think I would have even remembered it was today. It just felt weird to me.

Older Pictures from Move In Weekend

Here are some older pictures. They are from Traci's camera from the weekend they dropped me off:

Inside St. John the Divine Cathedral:

Candle for our family in the Cathedral:

Ground Zero Memorial construction:

Fire station near ground zero:

Dad and I before he left:

Traci and I before they left:

Thursday, September 9, 2010


This past weekend I went to the Museum of Modern Art. Here are some famous original paintings I got to see...

Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh:

I forget the name of this one, but it is by Picasso:

This painting is by Claude Monet, and the tag next to it:

The famous painting by Salvador Dali... it was very, very small.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Big Red Bus Tour

The school paid for us to take a Big Red Bus Tour that took us around central Manhattan and explained certain landmarks. Here are some pictures from the trip.. they aren't great because I had to take the picture over people's heads!

I just liked the picture of MLK JR BLVD

A view of Jersey and the Hudson River

This one's for you Dad... This is the building where John Lennon lived and was shot in front of. He was actually shot right there where the door men are standing. His wife still lives in this building.

Jennifer Lopez and family live in these towers...somewhere...

This would be the Renaissance Hotel. If you look closely, you can see telescopes in the windows. They are for the guests to check out Central Park, which is right across the street.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Guggenheim Museum

Central Park

The tour guide said that this building was one of the most expensive buildings to live in, in Manhattan. It is on 5th Ave over looking Central Park.

This is Harlem

More Harlem

The Apollo Theater... I can actually see this from my bedroom window at night.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

One Week

There is a park a few blocks west from me called river side park (yeah, who knew nyc had parks beside Central Park... not me). It is very pretty; it runs pretty much down the whole western side of the island, right along the Hudson River. I have been using their bike/walking paths to go running on. Along the path is "Grant's Tomb". I can actually see the top out my window. It is the biggest Mausoleum in the US. Only Ulysses S. Grant and his wife are buried inside. You can actually go inside, but I was too creeped out. Sorry guys!

I also learned two new things today.... SOHO stands for "South of Hudson." and TriBeCa stands for "Triangle Below Canal."

Classes started yesterday... SO much reading!!

Also, hurricane earl is on its way up here. It is supposed hit Long Island pretty hard. Parts of LI are being evacuated. They said we are supposed to get a lot of rain tonight and tomorrow, but right now the skies are blue with no clouds. Who knew New York City got Hurricanes?