Sunday, November 7, 2010

NYC Marathon Sunday

The marathon is a huge deal in New York. The whole city gets into it. Part of the race was 5 or so blocks from me so I went to check it out.

Here are some of the runners. I wish I could have taken a picture of the crowd... there were so many people watching. There were bands, noise makers... it was so loud!

Some of the runners were dressed up. Here's Minnie Mouse. I saw someone else with an orange wig, and another guy dressed as someone from Kiss. Later, I saw him on the news and he said today was his 52nd marathon!

Here are some fans on 5th avenue:

The runners ended with central park... so pretty!

Oh and on my way home I stopped in St John the Divine's garden... that big cathedral on Amsterdam. I always heard they had peacocks; today I saw the white one just roaming around the garden begging people for food!


  1. Very cool experience. Weather looks nicer than it was in Ohio that day. Did you feed the peacock? :)
