Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Brooklyn Bridge

Today I took a train downtown and walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a long walk, but not as long as everyone warned me it was. There was an amazing view the whole way across.

Starting the walk:

About half-way across:

(A view of Brooklyn)

(A view of Manhattan)

Almost there:
(A view of Manhattan)

(Same view zoomed in...
Chrysler building and the Empire State building in one shot!)

Welcome to Brooklyn!:

(A view of the Manhattan Bridge from the end of the Brooklyn Bridge)

(Statue of Liberty in the background)

(A view of Manhattan from the park in Brooklyn)

My motivation for walking across the bridge:
Claims to be the oldest and best Brooklyn pizza shop. Hence the line that was forever long just to get a table. Hence the reason why I had soup for lunch at the cafe around the corner instead :)

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