Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Day In Central Park

So I set out to Central Park to find the John Lennon Memorial, Strawberry Fields
I actually found it really fast. I thought it would take me awhile because Central Park is like a Jungle to me.

(this was the actual "Strawberry Field"... kind of boring... sorry John Lennon.

But here is the rest of the memorial where people come to lay down roses for him:

SO I found Strawberry Fields pretty quickly so I got brave and tried to find the Belvedere Castle... and I did :)

The View from the top of the castle:

So I was feeling like a new yorker and all proud because I found my way around the jungle of Central Park... and then I couldn't find my way out! I walked for an extra two hours trying to get out of the park, only to end up on 5ave... which is on the east side.. I live on the west. Grr. But I did have time to take more cool pics..

This is called The Lake in Central Park:

I also found a sailboat pond where I believe you rent these mini boats an sail them in the pond..
I think.

Oh and on my way home.... I found my store!

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