Thursday, January 27, 2011

This is what all the big fuss is about...

I heard people complaining of the dreaded snow storm all week. Then I woke up to a text message and an email saying the college was closed due to the snow storm. One thing I've learned, New Yorkers are very dramatic about snow. The littlest bit falls on the ground and it's a huge deal. SO when I stepped outside today, I was actually surprised to see how much snow we really did get!

In fact, Mayor Bloomberg held a press conference. This was the first time nyc schools have been closed since 1996.. or something ridiculous like that. The Mayor even said that schools have only been closed 9 times since 1978!!! AND busses and subways weren't running until mid afternoonish.

Although inconvient, it was really beautiful!

A table in our courtyard!

A car... yes.. a car!

My street

Lowe Library... kids were sledding down the steps!

All in all... I must say the snow is kind of a big deal if you are forced to walk and/or use public transportation to get around. And...thank you to whomever is responsible to clearing the sidewalks on and off campus... I was able to get to my meeting with dry feet! :)

Some more from Columbia's campus: