Thursday, April 21, 2011

PBS Autism Special

PBS came and filmed at the school I interned at... the most amazing school on this planet. Here's the link if you want to watch! My school is the second one talked about, the New York Center for Autism Charter School!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

National Pillow Fight Day

When Allyson was in town we went shopping at Union Square and accidentally witnessed national pillow fight day 2011... who knew?!

This is what we saw when we got off the subway... feathers were flying everywhere

People watching from the windows above...

Here are the views from the windows above...

The MET Museum

Here are some pictures of my recent trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art!

(This is when you first walk in)

I thought this one was cool.. it is a close of taken of many different pennies

There was an Egyptian exhibit going on.. a lot of the pictures came out
blurry because you aren't allowed to us a flash

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Sorry for the lack of posts... I have been a little bit overwhelmed with my internship on top of classes and work. But in the mean time... here is the website to the school I have an internship at. It is amazing. PBS recently came and filmed there.. not sure when it's airing though!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Me and Lowe Library on campus... Love, love, love this building!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kelly and Danielle Take NYC

Kelly came to visit me this weekend. We called it Kelly and Danielle Take New York... like the TV show... :)

We did a lot of sopping... on 5th ave... of course.
View of 5th ave!


Gucci anyone?

Harry Winston Jewelry... buy me something from here please!

We also visited one of the most famous toy stores in the world... FOA Schwarz! It is the same toy store from the movie big!

The toy store was multi-level and had sections of different kinds and brands of toys. The Barbie section was my favorite:

And the Harry Potter Section:

The train set from a Christmas Story!

Here are pictures of the famous Big Piano in the store that was in the movie Big:

We stopped for a picture of the beautiful Waldorf-Astoria (Where Uncle Ed and Aunt Sally stayed)

Here's a pretty view of the Upper East Side as we were walking..

I also made Kelly see Grand Central Station...the pictures don't do it justice. It might be my FAVORITE building in Manhattan. It kind of reminds me of the West Side Market in Cleveland. The ceiling is light blue and has stars and constellations all over it. And the clock looks just like it does in the movies!

Mmmm. and we got cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery... as seen on Sex and the City!

Haha and we really wanted to go to this bar...called Cafe Wha? hahahaha. We found it hilarious...just us?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

This is what all the big fuss is about...

I heard people complaining of the dreaded snow storm all week. Then I woke up to a text message and an email saying the college was closed due to the snow storm. One thing I've learned, New Yorkers are very dramatic about snow. The littlest bit falls on the ground and it's a huge deal. SO when I stepped outside today, I was actually surprised to see how much snow we really did get!

In fact, Mayor Bloomberg held a press conference. This was the first time nyc schools have been closed since 1996.. or something ridiculous like that. The Mayor even said that schools have only been closed 9 times since 1978!!! AND busses and subways weren't running until mid afternoonish.

Although inconvient, it was really beautiful!

A table in our courtyard!

A car... yes.. a car!

My street

Lowe Library... kids were sledding down the steps!

All in all... I must say the snow is kind of a big deal if you are forced to walk and/or use public transportation to get around. And...thank you to whomever is responsible to clearing the sidewalks on and off campus... I was able to get to my meeting with dry feet! :)

Some more from Columbia's campus: