Monday, August 30, 2010

Weird things I have experienced while living here:

#1. Today I saw a man pull over his car on Broadway, get out, and pick up a half-smoked cigarette off of the street...

#2 Two men dressed up as cookie monster and a giant chicken, both playing the xylophone, while waiting for the 1 train.

#3 While riding the 1 train... a woman presses play on her boom box and begins to sing very loudly. Then passed a hat around asking for "tips"...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Almost settled

Today was day #1 of being on my own in the city. I had some time to finish unpacking. Here are some pictures of my room, a view from my window, and the van all packed up on the way to NY! Missing Ohio!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I decided to try out a blog for a few reasons:

1. So that I can write down and remember my fabulous (I hope) year (or more?) living in New York City.


2. SO that family and friends can read it and know what I've been up to.

As of now, there isn't much to write because I haven't moved yet. But I will take this time to create my NYC bucket list*. So here it goes:

1. Visit as many museums as possible: MOMA, The Met, Guggenhiem
2. Find the central park zoo.
3. Visit Union Square
4. Shop on 5th Avenue
5. Get a frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity.
6. Eat at Pomme Frites (spelling?)
7. Skating rink at Christmas time.
8. See the other boroughs.
9. Visit Connecticut
10. Visit Ground Zero
11. Visit China Town
12. Library from Sex and the City
13. Macy's Day Parade
14. Grand Central Terminal
15. Rockefeller Center
16. Strawberry Fields (John Lennon's memorial)
17.Graffiti Hall of Fame
18. Dinosaur BBQ (supposedly the best bbq restaurant)
19. New York Historical Society
20. Madison Square Garden
21. Penn Station
22. Washington Square Park
23. Peanut Butter & Co.

*-To be updated constantly!