Sunday, December 12, 2010

It's Christmas Time in the City!

A beautiful time to be in New York City!!!

Decorations on 6th Ave:

Decorations outside of Macy's Department Store:

The window display moved around and told the story of "Yes Virginia"

Columbia's "College Walk" is decorated very festively:

Santa Clause Convention:

thousands of people all dress up as santa, or something similar, on the same day and do a pub crawl around NYC. They were in restaurants, bars, on the was quite amusing to see!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Anti-gravity Yoga

Sarah is coming intown tomorrow to visit with her family. We have plans to Christmas shop, ice skate, and go to an "anti-gravity yoga" class!

I am so excited! I'm sure I won't be able to take pictures in the class...and that would be a little weird... so I found some online:

Yay! how fun!!!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

More from Thanksgiving

Here are some pictures from Allyson's camera to add to the post below...

Our Thanksgiving dinner!

At the Today Show.. we finally pushed our way upfront!

The ridiculously thick whipped cream on my frrrozen hot chocolate at serendipity!

My yummy Mexican Vanilla Cupcake at Sweet Revenge

Night out in the Village

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010 and Allyson's Visit

Allyson flew in on Wednesday afternoon to spend Thanksgiving weekend with me in NYC!

After she got settled in, I showed her around campus and we went out for Sushi. Then, we traveled over to Central Park West to see the Macy's Day Parade balloons being inflated. It's become a big attraction in the city. From 3pm-10pm the night before Thanksgiving, the balloons are being inflated and you can do a walk though... kind of like a haunted house... to see them all. There were a ton of people!

Here is Shrek... under a net so he doesn't fly away!

My favorite: Hello Kitty!

All of the balloons had signs so you knew what it was if it wasn't blown up.

Sleeping Mickey!

Me in front of the traditional Macys stars!

The next day was Thanksgiving! We were up bright and early at 7am to make it to the parade. (originally we supposed to be up at 5am... but we didn't get home from our night out until then! Oops!). We started out by Columbus Circle... but it was kind of far away. You could get special tickets for a closer spot... but we didn't know that before hand.

So we went down a few more streets to get closer... but there were so many people we really couldn't see much except for the balloons.

People, warm and cozy, watching from their apartments!

Diary of a Wimpy Kid!


Balls? Not Sure?

We walked away to get breakfast an almost missed Pokemon or whatever he's called.

After the parade Allyson and I took a power nap, and then went out on the Upper West Side for dinner at a cute little pub and went to see a movie in Lincoln Center. All of the Christmas lights were up!

Friday. The longest day. Ever. We woke up at 5am to be at the Today Show. We had no idea Justin Bieber would be there... so there were lots of little girls screaming. It was raining a little bit so no one really came outside...

Except for these anchors... I don't recognize them though.

Justin Beiber came out to meet his fans... that's him waving I think

After Justin left... all of his fans left. So we had better spots.. but nothing too exciting happened.

After the Today Show it was time for shopping!!

The ice rink at Rockefeller Center

The Christmas Tree

Allyson and I

A Santa contest I think

We went to Dylan's Candy Bar... a famous candy shop! SO fun!

The ceiling at Dylan's Candy Bar

Later, we had lunch at a little Italian place and came to the famous Serendipity for Dessert... Frrrozen Hot Chocolate! We waited almost 2 hours for those famous drinks! Check it out:

The decorations inside were beautiful!

Then down to the original Macy's on 34th street! It was so packed... we couldn't stay in there long. There were people directing traffic on the escalators!

Then down into SOHO where we visited the Kardashion's DASH boutique and had dinner at a cupcake and wine bar called Sweet Revenge!

The DASH store... so small... and so plain. Kind of disappointing.

Saturday was Allyson's last day. We went to Brunch at the cutest restaurant ever: Alice's Tea Cup. It is modeled after Alice in Wonderland. All of the tables are old antique tables and old mismatched teacups. There are tons of tea choices and scones and finger sandwiches. Allyson and I each got our own pot of tea and shared this yummy food:

Allyson has more pictures on her camera.. so maybe I will post some more later!